Mirjam van Hasselt

5Rhythms® teacher on Waves® en Heartbeat® level, Chakra & Yoga teacher, trainer, coach and entrepreneur.


“I fell in love with the 5Rhythms® during my first dance in 2003.
I came to my first workshop feeling disconnected and felt like I could hardly breath. Over the weekend it felt like my heart was bursting open, I could breathe again. As if light and life entered my body and being. I was – and still am – in love. I enjoyed it immensely.”

After a career in architecture, which ended in the crises of 2008, she shifted her life to dance, personal deepening and guidance of people.

Her path led her through Buddhist mediation, through 5Rhythms® dance, Movement Medicine, Open Floor, Amerta Movement, various directions of consciousness work and yoga, to her own style of teaching, which is nourished by different experiences and practices.


Mirjam's talent is her gentle and empathetic teaching style. She has the ability to see others and travel with them. Her drive is the connection with the people in her space; what does this group of people need to get closer to themselves, to become more real and thus more in harmony with themselves, their own inner essence. 

Together we make the world a more peaceful and “real” place. The wisdom of the chakras entered her life in her early twenties through the work of “Universal Energy” with Master Dang. Encouraged by her mentor Chetanya de Wit, she dived deeper into chakra wisdom and developed her own style to approach this field of wisdom, through movement, yoga, meditation and many other inputs.

Her teaching style invites embodiment.

“What does it mean to you to now live in your body and express yourself through it?” “What is real, beyond what we think or think about it?”

“Life takes place here, now, in this place, what does that mean to you?”

“How do you live your life, here on this earth, in a way that is consistent with who you essentially are?”

From a background in architecture, she has a sense of space and form.


Mirjam was trained in the 5Rhythms® in 2010 by Gabrielle Roth and her staff and in 2014 at Heartbeat® level by Jonathan Horan.
Discovering 5Rhythms Heartbeat made her even more aware of the depth of the work.
How much inertia do we all have to overcome to become “comfortable with uncomfortable feelings.”
She teaches in the Netherlands, in the Amsterdam area, Hilversum and Bloemendaal and she regularly gives workshops elsewhere in the Netherlands and abroad.
In addition to many dance courses, training, workshops and intensives, Mirjam has followed various additional courses and continues to choose to develop further. To continue to help those who come to her.

She took her first steps in the training profession at "Diversity Joy", an organization that provides training in dealing with conflicts and offers alternatives to violence. Within that context, she also followed Transformative Mediation training.

In 2012 she completed the Family and Organizational Constellations course with Hylke Bonnema.

She followed the 3-year being training at the "School voor Zijns-orientatie," followed by an extra year with Hans Knibbe from 2012 to 2016.

She obtained her Coach intensive and Coach expert diploma at Nonos / Coach 020 in 2017 and 2018.

She has been practicing yoga for about 30 years and completed her Yoga training with Santosha in 2020.

She completed a Hypnosis training at the Hypnosis Institute in 2023 and a Transformational Cupping training with Kim Cupping.

She also followed various Business training courses to further promote her work in the world. In her work she uses these different disciplines, if that is needed.

At the moment she is a student of the 6th sense academy, developing her intuitive qualities even more.


"Energy moves in waves. Waves moves in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms.
A human being is just that, energy, waves, patterns rhythms.”

Gabrielle Roth (grondlegger van de 5Rhythms)