5Rhythms Clasess & workshops in Amsterdam en around
We offer weekly lessons. These can be followed as a series or separately.
If you dance every week, it can feel like a fresh shower. You move you body and clear your energy.
Every week is a different adventure, you are different, the music is different, the environment is different. If you're curious it will bring you a new experience of yourself every week.
Weekly classes are a good way to get to know the 5Rhythms®.
(If you are coming for the first time, read here what is useful to know).
Dance indoors, outdoors or online
We offer weekly classes in different dance spaces in Amsterdam.
We also dance outdoors in the park (Flevopark - Amsterdam) and on the beach close to "Bloemendaal aan zee."
Outdoors we use "Silent Disco headsets"
All indoor lessons can be joined online from your home as well as online series & classes.
Rite of Passage to 2025 - New years intensive
In 8 days we dance the transition from the this year into the new year.
In the beautiful hall of the DOKhuis we create a powerful ritual to make the transition. We do what it takes to create clarity to what is left behind. In our dances, we move, express, digest & mourn, celebrate and express gratitude.
You can join one dance or as many as you want.
On New Year's Eve we dance from 12 in the afternoon into the new year.
You can step in or out every 1.5 hours.

5Rhythms Indoor Magic - classes
(all indoor classes can be joined online)
Monday evening 19:30-21:00 uur:
NDSM Amsterdam (theaterplatform Pick-up)
Wednesday evening 18:30-20:00 uur:
Laurentiuskerk Weesp
Friday morning 9:45-11:15 uur:
DOC-zaal, Stadhouderskade 89, Amsterdam
I teach (ir-)regular classes in Cologne on Friday evenings.
Upcoming dates: Februari 28 and April 4
In Cologne I will be facilitating a dance night together with Julia on December 20-21

5Rhythms Outdoor Magic - Classes
Saturday Morning 10:30-11:45 uur:
Flevopark Amsterdam
Saturday afternoon 15:00-16:15 uur:
Hilversum, Anna's Hoeve Park (every other week)
Zondagochtend 11:00-13:00 uur:
Beach close to Parnassia aan Zee – Bloemendaal aan Zee (Every other week)

5Rhythms Online Magic - Livestream
Monday evening: 19:30-21:00 uur
Wednesday evening: 18:00-19:15 uur
Friday evening: 9:45-11:15 uur
5Rhythms Online Magic - series
Tuesday evening 19:30-20:45 uur
(starts again in Januari)
“life isn’t about surviving the storm,
but how to dance in the rain.”