What I love about the 5Rhythms is that it is a practice.

It is a “thing” that we can take on and let the practice touch and transform us. 

The beauty of a practice, for me,  is that there it is something that we, in this case me and you, can do and that we can so and trust is for a certain time and after that time we can see what it evoked, touched, transformed or reveled in us. 

I sometimes claim that the 5Rhythms saved my life. I guess it’s a hard to check claim, ut it deeply changed my life and defined in many ways the person I am now. 

And what makes a practice powerful is if we repeat the practice, no matter if we feel like it or not. We do it. And if we do the practice will touch us in many ways. 

One part of this practice is the teaching, the understanding, the power of discovering who we are, the other part is just exposing ourselves to the practice over and over again. Regardless of the fact that we might have heard or told this teaching many times. Do we allow the practice to touch us.

Why I love the 5Rhythms is because it’s an embodiment practice. And for me it means that we’re giving ourselves a body, a physical body. We’re giving life-energy a physical body for  expression. In all the shapes that we are.

I love the tactility, the juiciness of life energy in my body, I love witnessing people being alive in their bodies, its so easy to love them. 

There is honesty and truth in embodiment and I notice that I resonate deeply with the humanness of embodied people. We cannot fake ourselves once we give shape to ourselves in the physical. We are who we are.

I love helping people to find their way into embodiment. their life-energy, their emotions, their longing and dreams. It’s a been a big journey in my life to realy life in this powerful and vulnerable body. So I’ve seen a big deal of this path.

The first year it was out of a deep longing of exposing myself to the practice for 14 days and see what would happen. I was happy to have people join.  

5 Years ago I started the Urban Dance Retreat. A possibility to expose ourselves to the practice for 14 days in the row. Together in a dance space.  

One thing is doing a workshop, the other thing is doing the practice. 

A workshop is a beautiful thing, I love being in one and I love facilitating one, its’ a place to dive in, to find meaning, to expose ourselves to other and 

this arctile was first published in the 5Rhythms Teacher Spotlight

IF you want to join the Urban Dance Retreat in December, you’ll find details is the calendar


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